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Portuguese Constitution!

Pedro makes an oath to obedience to the Portuguese Constitution

and you can see him standing on the balcony with his hat in his hand.




The war between the Brazilians and Portuguese went from February of 1822 to November of 1823, when the last of the standing Portuguese surrendered. In the newly created  Army and Navy of Brazil, they forced enlistment among their people (including immigrants and freeing slaves for the same purpose as well). Fights between the two took action in the main cities. And despite Portugal starting off with a slight upperhand, they failed to defeat the militias in most of the cities. When 1823 came along, Brazil had already stocked up on both men and supplies, while Portugal was lacking in both. Lastly, the Brazilian navy finally succeeded in clearing off the coast of the Portugal and isolated the last of them. By the end, they earned the remaining naval colonial forces across the Atlantic all the way to the shore of Portugal. 


There are very little statistics relating to the numbers lost in the battle but considering how long it was (22 months), there are assumed to be many lives that were lost. Estimates of around 5,700 to 6,200 were killed on both sides.

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